How Long Should You Remain in One Job?

In times past, people’s working lives often played out over many years at one company, but now the world has vastly changed. These days it is common to shift between jobs and organisations, but this practice raises questions as to what is today considered the Goldilocks time to spend in a job? How often do…

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Tips For Aspiring CEO’s

There is no single, guaranteed path to becoming a Chief Executive Officer, particularly for a large organisation. An impressive track record is not enough.

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Tapped on the shoulder by a recruiter, what do you say or do?

Tapped on the shoulder by a recruiter, what do you say or do?

We encounter mixed reactions when we reach out to people about job opportunities. Some people react negatively when tapped on the shoulder by a recruiter, for various reasons: unfamiliarity, you’re busy, you’re not interested in another job or you simply do not like recruiters. Others see it as an opportunity to verify their market value…

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What Constitutes a Good Job?

What Constitutes a Good Job?

A century ago, Henry Ford was purported to have said “Why is it that whenever I want a pair of hands, I get a human being as well”. It is doubtful whether Henry’s attitude towards the workforce would yield him the required labour if he was operating in today’s employment market. Gone are the days…

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We continue the discussion about common red flags in resumes that often call into question the commitment, reliability or performance of a candidate, particularly if assumptions are allowed to form without discussion. Short stints in multiple workplaces or unplanned departures on your resume can set alarm bells ringing in a hiring manager’s ears. Job Hopping Candidates…

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