Become the Employer of Choice in Regional Australia

Smiling farmer holding a child near a flock of sheep in a rural area

Becoming the Employer of Choice in Regional Australia provides a significant opportunity for agricultural employers to address regional challenges and attract exceptional talent. The article highlights the increasing interest in regional living amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to population growth in these areas. Through collaboration with government, councils, and associations, agricultural employers can broaden their perspectives and capitalise on this opportunity.

Crucial findings underscore the significance of investing in key infrastructure domains such as housing, connectivity, water security, education, and transportation. By addressing these infrastructure challenges, employers can also help address compounding issues such as limited-service access and higher costs of living. It is important to acknowledge that employers are not solely responsible for resolving these issues. However, to attract a skilled workforce, there are several strategies that can establish an employer’s reputation as an employer of choice within their local regional community.

  1. Encourage Affordable Housing: Provide well-maintained and suitable housing on-site or foster partnerships with local councils and regions to explore sustainable and affordable housing options for employees.
  2. Champion Regional Infrastructure: Collaborate with other businesses in the local area to invest in regional infrastructure and services, enhancing the quality of life for employees and attracting skilled professionals.
  3. Cultivate Talent through Education and Training: Develop targeted educational programs and vocational training opportunities to nurture a skilled workforce.
  4. Prioritise Health Support: Support local health initiatives, including mental health and rehabilitation services/programs, to address the specific challenges faced within different regions.
  5. Foster a Supportive Workplace: Implement initiatives such as financial planning assistance, transportation aid, health and wellness benefits, childcare assistance, and grocery support to enhance employee well-being.
  6. Promote Collaboration and Inclusivity: Facilitate partnerships and collaborations among marginalised community members, fostering inclusivity, empowerment, and connections.
  7. Support Local Community Events: Demonstrate commitment to the region by supporting positive initiatives and building relationships through participation in local community events.

It is crucial to emphasise that the responsibility for finding solutions within regional communities extends beyond employers alone. However, to remain competitive as an employer and attract talent, becoming an employer of choice regionally will create more opportunities to find skilled individuals in a challenging labour market.

By fostering collective efforts and engaging in collaboration with government bodies, community organisations, and educational institutions, employers can strategically cultivate a sustainable, long-term working solution that benefits their business and contributes to the prosperity of regional Australia.

Article written By Lauren McNally, Senior Agribusiness Consultant of Agricultural Appointments. Connect with Lauren on Linkedin.


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