When you are looking for a new addition for your Agri business sometimes it is best left to the experts. Agricultural Appointments has access to a large data base of people, and we know where to look to find the perfect person for your business.
When you engage our services you can rely on us to the hard work for you, searching through hundreds of applications and candidates to find the right person for you and the specific needs of your agribusiness. Other benefits include, freeing up your valuable time, and can save money on advertising the position in locations which will not find you the best candidate. Our team of experts in Parkes provide a secure and highly confidential service, which can be essential for business who are trading in a competitive environment.
Our services include:
- Recruitment
- Outplacement
- Psychometric testing
- Executive searching
Parkes Recruitment Specialists for Agricultural Jobs
Parkes is well known for its radio telescope also nicked named “The Dish” but there is more to Parkes then the dish. Peak Hill is home to a open cut gold mine and there is plenty of outdoor activities to keep the whole family entertained, from fishing, sailing to waterskiing and spotting the famous back swans. This beautiful rural town is in a great location closed to Dubbo and has a mixed of both rural properties and residential homes, with some of the best cropping land in country NSW.
Call our recruitment experts in Parkes on 02 9223 9944 for more information.