Executive Search

Are you searching for a senior manager for your business?

If you need to recruit a senior manager – CEO, general manager or board member – then search, rather than advertising, is key. As many successful executives are not actively looking for alternative employment and tend not to respond to advertised vacancies.


  • That good executive search consultants must know and understand the agribusiness sector intimately.
  • Identifying talented people for an organization is far more than matching skills and experience to the job role requirements. Understanding the behavioral attributes of a role is critical.
  • Understanding cultural fit for an organization is a crucial aspect of putting forward the right candidates.

Executive Search And Selection

We work with you to develop a strategy to find and attract the best candidate. We use a six-stage process:

1. The brief

We conduct a detailed interview with you to develop an in-depth client brief. This includes a detailed company background, including its goals and culture as well as the position responsibilities and the necessary qualifications and experience to carry out the role. From this, we develop the profile of the ideal candidate and the selection criteria.

2. Research

We use our extensive database and networks to identify candidates that potentially match the ideal candidate profile.

3. Approaching candidates and screening

Potential candidates are approached to determine their interest in the position. We undertake selected screening interviews to determine candidate suitability.

4. Shortlisting and client interviews

Suitable candidates are shortlisted and a consultant report that compares the candidates to the brief agreed with the client is provided. The client/candidate interview process follows, during which we liaise closely with both candidate and client, resolving any obstacles to attracting the right candidate.

5. Offer

We conduct thorough reference checks and the client selects the candidate they wish to attract. We assist the client in structuring a suitable remuneration package and guide them through the employment offer.

6. Follow up

After the position is filled we continue to provide ongoing follow-up with both client and candidate to ensure satisfaction and guarantee our result in line with the terms of our assignment agreement.